Areas where P.A.T.S advisors can help

School Return

You may have always wanted to return to school but are not sure what you want to study or where. School consultation can help you chart direction for the rest of your life.

Vocational consultation

Purpose: you may be set-up financially or not depending at what level and how long you played. However, you will need purpose in your life and that will come from work or volunteer opportunities. Want to stay in the game? Coaching, officiating, management or do you want to do something else altogether.  We can help with exploring ideas. Read the Roger Staubach story to get inspired. Roger has enjoyed incredible success in many careers. Although known for being a 2x Superbowl winning QB of the Cowboys, his NFL legacy represents only one small part of his life's journey.

Family counselling

You've been away as your kids have grown up and maintained a "when I'm home relationship" with your spouse. Being around full-time when retired from the game is a HUGE adjustment for the entire family. Often this can lead to challenges and family counselling can often be helpful. P.A.T.S advisors can get the assistance you need in this area to help you make a successful transition to full-time spouse and parent.


For many ex-pros your ego and identity are very likely associated with your athletic prowess. Research is pretty clear and consistent across sports: while people may miss parts of actually playing the game, what they really report after retirement is missing the camaraderie of the locker room and being part of something collaborative and bigger than themselves. Counselling can help you find new areas of you your life to focus upon so you're not "that person" who only talks about their playing days. Think Bruce Springsteen's song "Glory Days"!

Substance use help

An uncomfortable reality for many retired and active athletes. Whether it's alcohol to deal with family, your playing situation or other issues: benzodiazepines to help with pain, anxiety; sleeping pills to help put you "out" in the next hotel or pain medications that can get out of control that you take to "stay in the line-up" often for injuries you tried to keep to yourself, P.A.T.S advisors can direct you to the help you need; whether that's arranging for individual counselling to knowing the best rehab facilities in your area and offering advocacy services so you get the help needed.

Financial Management

You may have wonderful advisors that you trust implicitly and who have been with you for years. Alternatively, it might be an area where guidance and a fresh start are in order. Each retired athlete's situation is different and if this is something of interest to you P.A.T.S advisors can help you find trusted financial as well as legal professionals in your area.


Services are based on a sliding scale. If you were fortunate enough to play in a major sporting league and enjoyed a stellar career you'll pay a little more than your brother or sister who played most or all of their career in the minors or overseas and who were compensated considerably less. Generally, all inclusive fees for someone who played in a top league will be in the 5k to10k ($US) range. Individuals who played primarily in the minors or secondary leagues will pay less but in all cases fees will be tailored to a client's specific situation.

What we do not do 

While the majority of P.A.T.S advisors are licensed psychologists or other similar professionals we do not do therapeutic counselling. Each of the 50 states and all Canadian provinces have separate and independent licensing requirements which serves as a major bureaucracy and barrier for people trying to access assistance. It is an antiquated and siloed model based on arbitrary state/provincial/national boundaries that is decades behind where we are with technology and virtual possibilities. As a result, while we can facilitate exploring and matching you with counsellors in your area, what we offer is concierge advisement service but not therapeutic counselling.

Helping retired athletes chart the next chapter in their lives through the core values of: 
Integrity, Honesty, Advocacy & Confidentiality